People who get their hands dirty

build community to counter toxic workplace cultures!
hang with other queer tradies!
talk shop/share stories!

Are you queer and/or trans and come home from work covered in dirt, grease, sweat (blood and tears)? Are you kept on the outside with your work crews based on your sexuality or gender? Can’t relate to your co-worker’s eternal jokes at queer and/or trans peoples expense (no homo)? Are you unable to identify with any of these anecdotes because you primarily work alone, but in a queer way?

Do you want to see what happens when you get a bunch of queer and/or trans trades people in a room together? Who carries the ladder on a gender-messy crew? What are we going to build?! Are rhinestones on a welders hood “too much”!!?

Whether you’re a factory worker or an independent contractor, an electrician or an iron worker, a heavy machinery operator or a gardener, if you are a queer and/or trans trades worker who faces discrimination in your field, you are invited.

We all want connection, change and empowerment in our lives and on our jobs. Come to Hi-Viz, a monthly social in Toronto, Canada and join the crew. There is safety in being seen.

See you on site!

HI-VIZ Crew (Toronto, CA)

Join our mailing list for info about the times and locations of events!